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Introducing Damion Omar Lee:The journey to film making

By: Aleah Shell

Courtesy Damion Omar Lee Instagram

Initially passionate about football, Damion Omar Lee’s career took an unexpected turn when he crossed paths with a modeling agent on the D train. This encounter led the Brooklyn based creative director, actor and father to work on magazine shoots and urban clothing campaigns, ultimately landing a role in a major Hollywood film within just one year. While talking about his career choice, Lee exuded passion and excitement about his work. He stated the highlight of his career was meeting Denzel Washington at an audition for the Antoine Fisher story. 

He reminisced about a conversation with Washington who at the time told him “You’re very green” meaning that he was too new of an actor for that role at the time. Lee went on to talk about another audition, which was for the role of Tupac Shakur in the film “All Eyez on Me”.  Although he didn't get the role, this didn’t stop Lee’s acting career.

Courtesy Tubi

“The career of an actor is mostly met with rejection, and that rejection can take its toll on someone — it definitely took its toll on me! The rejection eventually broke my spirit, crushed my self-esteem and left me jaded,” he added before addressing how he wanted to “do things differently” following the “disappointments”., I decided to do things differently. I wanted to make movies that I always wanted to be in. I wrote the stories I wanted to watch and put myself in them. After two decades in the film industry, Lee decided to take control of his artistic journey. He embarked on creating his first short film about polygamy titled “Thrupple”, now available on Tubi.   Lee is excited about continuing his film-making journey and is dedicated to supporting emerging artists by creating new opportunities for them. Lee also works on short films that are on Youtube named Reel Edibles. The short films all include an ending that leads the viewer into wanting more.

 When asked what advice would give to his younger self, Lee said, with a bright smile on his face and a subtle laugh, that he would encourage himself to get back to school.

“I would tell my black a** to finish school. I stopped going to school when 9/11 hit and I returned and got my associates in 2022”.

Photographer: @americankouture

Now I’m in John Jay (College of Criminal Justice) working on my next degree. It was hard because in this career, you put your all into this and focus on the outcome, not the actual process. When my son was born, I realized what I really had to do.” Lee further noted that people should do what they are passionate about no matter how many times you are met with rejection.

“Stop waiting for permission to do what you Love! This is what led me to creating my own work and starting my own production company,” he said.


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