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The Ups & Downs of Starting a New Career

By Breanna Robinson

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Going out into the workforce can be fulfilling and exciting as you embark on your career journey.  But what happens when you either lose your job, lose interest in your current field, or want a raise that you aren’t getting at your current job? 

According to The Tech Report, 32 percent of laborers (one-third) in the United States workforce switched to another career in 2022. On the other hand, 37 percent of people searched for employment in the same career field and 31 percent of people are unsure if changing careers is the right choice for them.

The thought of changing your career might come up which can be intimidating. Still, the answer isn't one size fits all.

How can you know if that is the right decision for you? NYABJ Pulse got the chance to speak with Nyanda Sam-King, a California-based licensed psychotherapist and the founder of NSK Therapy about the pros and cons of leaping into another career.

Cons to embarking on a new career journey

Because you may be grappling with the thoughts of change in career paths, added anxiety may creep in. They can manifest in ways such as financial strain and the feelings of the unknown.

Sam-King pinpointed "anxiousness and frustration" as feelings that occur when you're dabbling in something new.

"Although this is completely normal, it can be a tough transition after being in a career for a significant amount of time," she said.

Financial strain and time investment

Going into a new career often takes an investment of time and money and may impact finances in the short term. More education, training, or certifications might be necessary to get your foot in the door.

"Careers that only require a certification and internship experience as opposed to careers that require individuals to further their education for several years may be more appealing to folks who pivot into a new field a bit sooner," said Sam-King.

Coursera and Ed2Go  are some of my favorite websites to get affordable certificates. 


Starting over at square one

In the beginning, it's safe to prepare to take a step back because you might enter the field at a lower level. This could mean taking a lower salary to start with and sacrificing senior positions. Working hard and dedicating yourself to advancing, you can reach senior roles again.

There's always a chance that your new career choice won't meet every expectation you set for it. Research can help you minimize the risk. 

Pros to taking that leap into a new career

Embarking on a journey to a new career can be rewarding and what you need to grow as an individual, especially when it comes to a work-life balance, higher earning potential, learning new things, and overall happiness.

"The pros of switching to a career completely different from what you studied/have been doing is experiencing the excitement that is accompanied with embarking on a new chapter," said Sam-King.

She also adds that "a sense of fulfillment" can occur as you are "unlocking" methods to use the skills you already have that are relevant in a new area.

Healthy work-life balance

The career you choose might allow you to have more flexible hours that align better with the other things you may do in your life. This can be seen in a 10 a.m.-6 p.m. schedule, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. schedule, or another schedule of your choice. Some companies could also have part-time schedules that can align with your needs as well.

Higher earning potential


If you decide to switch to careers such as allied health and technology, for example, that's an opportunity to grow financially and within the companies themselves. 

Learning and acquiring skills

Learning new skills for a career will not only be personally rewarding but also expand and sharpen your mind and knowledge of various things.

Improved confidence and happiness


When you find a job that you feel ignites the passion within you, it can lead to you loving what you do, therefore increasing success.

Before partaking in a new field, it's important to assess the current situation you're in and ask yourself questions.

"One can identify if they made the right decision by making a pros and cons list after they have allowed some time to adjust and transition into the new field. That way they can make a clear assessment after a bit of time has passed," said Sam-King.

Once you've done that, continue to do your research on the job market to understand the required skills and qualifications and network with people in the fields you want to explore.

Carefully considering the benefits and drawbacks, and with thorough research and planning, it is possible to increase your chances of a smooth transition into a career you deem worthwhile.


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